human body
A study found that older adults who cannot balance on one foot for ten seconds have an 84% higher risk of death than those who can.
Mary Toft staged an elaborate hoax, but the pain was real.
You’ll be able to sleep through a war.
If you think you know what sex, gender, and “the right thing to do” for trans youth and adults are, be sure it agrees with actual science.
Energy balance is the greatest arbiter of weight gain. Embrace the “oinker diet.”
Is blood the key to anti-aging, or just another lucrative biotech opportunity?
Brain-computer interfaces could enable people with locked-in syndrome and other conditions to “speak.”
Science can’t stop aging, but it may be able to slow our epigenetic clocks.
7 min
Some scientists think we should allow our bodies to more harmlessly live with pathogens until they’re cleared from our systems.
It’s safe to use your face cream, as long as you aren’t eating it.
Thomas Edison was on to something…
Your chronological age and your biological age aren’t the same thing. This ex-Yale professor explains how to tell the difference.
10 min
Neuroscience is beginning to provide clues about the emergence of human consciousness.
People with aphantasia cannot conjure mental images, either original or from memory.
A recent study highlights the astounding adaptability of the human brain.
Striking differences in the composition of the gut microbiome suggest that fermented food could help those suffering from anorexia.
Our bodies crave more food if we haven’t had enough protein, and this can lead to a vicious cycle.
More than a third of Americans don’t get enough sleep. Diet is an important, under-recognized culprit.
Nobody knows where the word “penguin” comes from.
It’s not about fairness. It’s about using every possible advantage.
Left-handed humans were likelier to get stabbed in the heart.
The future of healthcare may bring powerful collaborations between AI and medical professionals.
Amyloid plaque can build up in body organs other than the brain. The resulting diseases — AL amyloidosis, ATTR amyloidosis and more — cause much suffering.
A recent study is the first to fabricate electronic components from endogenous molecules.
You are an energy field — but not the “chakras” or “auras” kind.
By studying the oldest animals, researchers hope to pinpoint factors affecting human longevity.
You know that ghostly feeling that someone is nearby even though nobody is? It could be a trick of neural timing.
End of life patients face mental health challenges uniquely existential and spiritual in nature — but psychedelics are emerging as a possible solution to relieve the suffering.