Audio recordings reveal cows have unique voices and share emotions with each other.
Is it acceptable to write a story from the perspective of someone who is completely unlike you?
4 min
Whether the data prove you right or wrong, it’s crucial to ask: what else is it telling me?
2 min
Dominant wild silverbacks wax musical with their mouths full.
A tiny, perfectly preserved 3D fossil from Argentina tells us more about an early snake.
The idea that celestial objects exist within utterly immense cosmic structures is becoming inescapable.
“What a shock,” said no dog lover ever.
To have breakthrough ideas, try veering off your original field of study.
3 min
A new study says curiosity and creativity are computational errors.
Most of it was eaten by Earth’s mantle, but scraped-off bits survive in the Alps and other mountain ranges.
How do you develop the next big idea? You pull together people who are both curious and passionate.
4 min
As humans, we teach each other. But do we take for granted our freedom to do so?
7 min
An unexpectedly revealing find in Mongolia solves a longstanding riddle.
So much for rest in peace.
Scientists make an important discovery for the future of computing.
A steady timing reference is required by one of the leading theories of neuronal communication.
Tiny glassy beads called microtektites were found in fossilized shell remains.
Here’s why you might eat greenhouse gases in the future.
A new paradigm for machine vision has just been demonstrated.
It turns out light can not only be twisted, but at different speeds.
Hubble captures the afterglow of an epochal blast.
Scientists may have seen a way to cure a maddening symptom of hearing loss.
Stems cells have always been pretty amazing.
A new NASA report shakes up lunar geology.
A high-schooler’s dig experience writes a new chapter in T-Rex history.
A new experiment shows that two observers can experience divergent realities (if they go subatomic).
Doctors may be able to painlessly reshape cartilage with the technique.
A new computer model solves a pair of Jovian riddles.
A new method of growing mini-brains produces some startling results.
Archeologists had been doubtful since no such ship had ever been found.