critical thinking
Scientists can make substantial progress without fully understanding exactly what they’re doing.
If you’ve found yourself befuddled by extraordinary scientific-sounding claims, you’re not alone. But this centuries-old lesson can help.
In the land of the double-blind, impartiality is king.
Learn to spot the scientists who are searching for the truth rather than money, ego, or fame.
Science news presents a flood of breakthroughs and discoveries that promise to change our lives. They rarely do.
Debate is a verbal sport with winners and losers. As such, it is less about the truth and more about who looks and sounds the best.
A proponent of panpsychism argues moral truth is inherent in consciousness.
Who — or what — really controls your mind?
Reject your Mental Map Oversimplifications.
The meaning of the cryptic text has eluded scholars for centuries. Their latest efforts include computational analyses seeking new insights into the medieval enigma.
Dive into a realm where time, space, and even reality itself are put into question.
Philosophers Massimo Pigliucci and Greg Lopez discuss how Stoicism can help us gain perspective on our emotions and act with intention in the world.
A recently identified stage of sleep common to narcoleptics is a fertile source of creativity.
“In order to seek truth,” Rene Descartes once wrote, “it is necessary once in the course of our life to doubt, as far as possible, all things.”
If a person stands little chance of ever being wealthy, perhaps playing the lottery is a rational decision.
“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”
Why the best negotiators are nice, not tough.
7 min
Chess could perhaps be the ultimate window through which we might see how our mental powers shift during our lives.
Delay the instant gratification of online knowledge and first seek out the wisdom within yourself.
The multi-leveled constructions of metaphysics are the collective workings of a fantastical virtuality. Did you get that?
Self-help gurus for the digital age.
More than 90 percent of people make a mistake on this test.
The simulation hypothesis is fun to talk about, but believing it requires an act of faith.
When it comes to handling our emotions, we can’t afford to be none the WISER.
The first “running machine” — later known as the bicycle — symbolizes a key design idea.
Social media has made yelling past each other all the easier.
Your five-year-old can probably spot a cop-out.
Tim Ferriss has interviewed some of the most powerful thinkers in the world. This is what he learnt about how they operate.
10 min
The secret may lie in an old idiom: “Sleep on it.”
Research shows how “dark” Brett Martinpersonality traits affect Bitcoin enthusiasm.