Preter-Natural Leadership In Century 21! By Andres Agostini (Andy) – Arlington, Virginia, USA and at

Version 3.0 – As of September 25, 2009 (Refined, Expanded, Extended)
Brief Intro (Commentary): The reader, as his intellects speaks to mine these ideas, should understand that this work is the Agostini Prescription To Ultimate Leadership in Millennium 3! Perhaps this bold approach will prove in practice that you can never reach a new place with an old map, so to speak in metaphors! In my handwriting and power, I have own 4,500 tenets as the ones presented below. – Andres Agostini (Andy) at
# 1 – Is An Actionable Statesman.
# 2 – Thoroughly moral and ethical in deed and spontaneously projected example.
# 3 – Happily located and navigating through Century 21.
# 4 – By far, focused on solid and increasing education and perpetual mind expansion, chiefly those acquired by solving truly complex problems systematically.
# 5 – Self-Pedagogue forever. Teaches to self-tech to his / her crew for Life.
# 6 – Leads, Co-Leads, Follows, Co-Follows, Plans, Co-Plans, Invents, Re-Invents, Co-Invents, Co-Reinvents, Executes, Co-Executes, Builds, Co-Builds, Envisions, Co-Envisions, Paves and Co-Paves Never-Thought-Of Pathways.
# 7 – Intuitive, Counterintuitive, and seamlessly blends both of the above.
# 8 – Takes all – encompassing curiosity as it is operated in real time – beyond known and unknown extremes.
# 9 – Makes every mistake – own or that of the competitor – into his / her won victory.
# 10 – Doesn’t care how fluid and amorphous the limits, contexts and the dynamics of his / her blurred theater of operations are.
# 11 – Can strategize and prevail through many operational frameworks at once without getting bewildered.
# 12 – Challenges every assumption, doctrine and dogma ruthlessly and relentlessly, beginning with his / her own ones.
# 13 – Learns something practical, meaningful, and decisively productive and significant every day.
# 14 – Heightens crew’s sense of urgency and of focus.
# 15 – Re-adapts and re-invents resiliently and effortlessly regardless of whatever constraints and increasing pressures stemming from the frame of reference.
# 16 – Operates multidimensionally and cross-functionally.
# 17 – Constantly and boldly sets pre-conditions to maximize the likelihood of his / her triumphs.
# 18 – Always selects and develops his / her leadership constituency.
# 19 – Creates and applies his / her own – along with that of the team – body of knowledge.
# 20 – Does never ever institute “best practices,” but UNIQUE, premium-graded approaches.
# 21 – Carries on much swifter that “life cycles” intrinsic to products, services, challenges, and complex problem solving.
# 22 – Does not get concerned about his / her adversaries since the uniqueness and ever-upgrading quality of tactics, strategies and stratagems as applied.
# 23 – Harmonizes issues immediately. Yes, he fights against adversities and their proponents. But, at the end, this Preter-Leader is a peace maker.
# 24 – His / her leadership is always (and robustly so) linked to concrete and unambiguous objective and goals.
# 25 – Always updates his methods, approaches, techniques, tactics, strategies, especially using those that are extraneous to so-called and already disrupted (published or unpublished) “history.” (Which one, that wrote by winners or that stated by losers or that always failing to have sufficient objectivity?)
# 26 – Continuously learns lessons – and improves those – both from incurred mistakes and from captured successes.
# 27 – Extracts information and knowledge – to be shared and brainstormed with the crew in advance – out of everything done, thought, as well as to be executed regardless of the incumbent.
# 28 – Wins only based on merit, principle, legitimacy and lawfulness.
# 29 – Strategizes the granularity of detail of everything. There is no such a thing as a leader that is not a strategist and a consummated visionary. Fringe and twigth-light zones are highly stimulating to his / her starving intellect.
# 30 – Embraces leading-edge (even weird) science and its stemming technological derivatives immediately.
# 31 – Enjoys phenomena and prevails as he / she navigates through said phenomena.
# 32 – Is never commonsensical and always pervasively challenging long-held assumptions as he / she institutes the most unorthodox and exuberant novel practices (lavishly so).
# 33 – De-tools, tools, re-tools the amplification of the individual and collective intelligence within his / her crew.
# 34 – Instills how to operate autonomously and jointly – in pursuit of the same goals and objectives – to his / her followers and co-leaders.
# 35 – Learns from his / her mistakes, but empathizes to learn also from the mistakes of others.
# 36 – Fluidly shares experience and practical knowledge across every incumbent in the crew.
# 37 – Only thinks and performs à la unthinkable thinking.
# 38 – Disrupt the boundaries of unthinkable thinking, always going progressively more beyond such boundaries.
# 39 – Transforms new problems and old problems into actionable breakthrough opportunities.
# 40 – In his / her case and exercising this type of leadership, strongly and coherently insists on and applies three aspects: CIVILITY, CIVILITY, CIVILITY!
# 41 – Before chaos, he / she instills more and more chaos – of greater magnitude, scale and speed – to level off and outsmart the frame of reference targeted.
# 42 – Drives OPS with directness and / or indirectness, as well as with the loose/control hybridization mode.
# 43 – Shares of defined values as they get collegially upgraded for Life.
# 44 – Elicits conceptions of practiced futures to deal with and countermeasure way in advance.
# 45 – Fuses technology innovation with business strategy as a tool for competitive advantage.
# 46 – Conceives early and distinguishes it and exploits it strategic surprises attributable to competitors.
# 47 – Ascertains that there is not a single stone left unturned.
# 48 – Short-circuits to shortcut.
# 49 – Possesses innate ideas – in addition as those incubated by the crew – positioning himself / herself in the tabula rasa’s antipodes.
# 50 – Determined to support his / her fellow crew members even beyond his own skin.
# 51 – Is more willing to openly share fact-and-figure information regarding their interests, constraints, and priorities as they have earned each other’s trust.
# 52 – Invests in trust building prior to, during, and after their commando operations (regardless of the business enterprise or not theater of operations).
# 53 – Does not simply leverage trust when it is present; he / she builds trust when is absent.
# 54 – Is a poker-faced strategic visionary raising the ante and raising the scale of the latter as he / she modulates the timing and “landing” of the calculated risks waged.
# 55 – Alleviates fear and builds trust.
# 56 – Builds so many “strategic surprises” in his mind lab way in advance – in eternity overriding the most bizarre dreamed-of (and practiced) futures with the foresight and far-sight perspectives – in a way utterly impossible to be caught off guard by so-called in-the-ground reality (that is, nothing more than partially controlled hallucinations).
# 57 – Demolishes all forms of mediocrity, especially lying and manipulating within his amorphous and versatile crew, enabling the rogue ruling of the omni-mode optimum.
# 58 – Communicates pointblank as he / she elicits the content with clarity, respect, cordially and, above of all, an upped sense of urgency. Treasures reasoned fury for competitors, adversaries, and industrial spies, as well as in transmutation of weaknesses into stern strategic advantages over his / her contrarians.
# 59 – While focusing on several specific matters to tackle and their rules of engagement, he / she never loses sites of the contexts targeted by the other member of his crew. This Preter-Leader has the clearest mentality that everything is related to everything else.
# 60 – Thinks “big picture” and wholly to operate comprehensively and multifacetedlly to state the very minimum.
# 61– However the primordial leader and the emboldened sprits de corps across the board within his / her crew, he / she unambiguously honors, respects and institutional rewards the highest hierarchies, as well as those under his / her watch.
# 62 – He / she, as well as the entirety of the crew, thinks in already practiced futures to in-source his / her individual and collective mind(s) with zillion actionable options from the originated one to out-strategize adversaries and ascertain indisputable prevailing.
# 63 – He views as scientists reportedly tell us as the horses see in real life, so that this holistic view and systemic and systematic engagement in the theater of operations – tremendously propelled by foresighting — offers this Leader a lucid second nature in dealing with globality and the elements of the system (embedded in his blurring context) from the amplest perspective of that prepared mind that not only is capturing the uniqueness, the subtleties, and interrelationships of the challenge to be resolve (on the doubles) as they are posed by the theater of operations.
# 64 – When an action is to happen is not that bad and when the minds, spirits, and souls of these leaders and co-leaders are not counting with the greatest and most updated competitive intelligence (and, sometimes, rampant intelligentsia), this Leader, as per the medical maxim, engages into “first do no harm,” thereby awaiting for the soonest and best timing to besiege and conquer (WITH HONOR) the theater of operations.
# 65 – This Leader does not have only a passion, but he / she has an extremely well passion that does not allow said person to lose composure, aim, an strategic blueprint to shock and awe, via overbearing number of angles, the adversary to be turned in defeat by the collective unleashing of energy unload on to them for the ultimate domination.
# 66 – Establishes a great human-to-‘computational power’ intelligence close-loop feedback via artificial intelligence to access to and swiftly operate on the numerical and narrative data received between the terrain sustained gains and the ultimate goal to be captured within maximum control.
# 67 – Secures so many Pyrrhic and ‘ignored flank’ victories to improve his / her abilities – and that of the crew – while bringing about a dramatic but yet subtle and decisive breakthrough, very much to his / her advantage and that of humankind.
# 68 – When the leader approaches any important mission, he / she enters the process with the goal of looking for areas in which strategic value can be created.
# 69 – Helps disputant crew members to reach harmony thoroughly, not dwelling on the past but improving the perspective of his persona and that of the crew toward the immediate future.
# 70 – This leader fails so recurrently that, that in the final analysis, he / she affluently prevails. This worships his mistakes as sacrosanct learning devices that he, in the treasured futures, wins easily, independently of precarious terrains.
# 71 – Is forever building up – via transparency, accountability and responsibility – trust among his / her fellow co-leaders. In those critical missions, say of law enforcement, first responders and the military, the maximum on-site responsible one exercises a climate of distention and courtesy among his crew members. There is here a difficult balancing act – that is never a daring issue for the wise leader – is to offer support and friendliness without disrupting the limits between the professional life and personal one. Intimacy exchanges between the crew members of the same team will gravely compromise the integrity of the incumbents and their mission-critical responsibilities. The members incurred in such situation must be immediately relocated.
# 72 – Possesses clarity of thought and great depth and scope in lucid judgment, as he / she avidly ponders above and beyond wholly.
# 73 – He / she grows mentally and intellectually in the midst of complexity, chaos, and anarchy, transforming the cited three factor in the tools to secure his triumph early.
NB: I highly appreciate the gracious invitation of Honorable Lieutenant Raymond Foster when he kindly invited me to take part with my deep reflections in his prominent leadership website. I am in gratitude, not only for his openness, but for the elevated service to humankind (especially in the West) and also because of his persistent involvement with education, orientation, and guidance.
By © Copyright 2009 Andres Agostini (Andy)
Ich Bin Singularitarian, High-Tech Visionary and Method Developer/Proprietor of: “Transformative And Integrative Risk Management” (with the applied omniscience perspective), Blitzkrieg, Organizational Strategist, TransLeadership /Preter-Leadership Innovist, Iconoclastic Mind Expansionist, Applied Omniscience Activist, so forth. Read more at: