At a 102 days and counting, we mined the Big Think archives for campaign-era Obama vids. Here’s the gold we found. Last spring, Johns Hopkins Professor an Iran expert, Azar […]
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You searched for: color
Every day, it seems, your DNA spills more and more secrets about you. This time it’s the color of your eyes. Researchers in the Netherlands just published a study in […]
Explaining some of my personal artistic ideas and processes
Until some mad genetic engineer with a cache of tropical real estate makes Jurassic Park a reality, the details of the lives of dinosaurs beyond what fossils and fossilized footprints […]
Our world needs youth leaders in our communities now from ages 14-25. We need to harness their energy and ideas, give the tools effective leadership and then let them lead!
Our leaders in the US congress, corporations, and non-profits need term limits to ensure that the torches of leadership pass smoothly. This will allow our elders to Think Big about new projects as the pass existing programs onto others.
Water of life. Little water. Little stream. Zhizennia voda. The names under which Russian vodka masquerades are many and varied, as one might expect with the libation at the heart […]
A team of hyper-geniuses at MIT’s Media Lab has designed a cellphone type device that gathers data on the environment around you, searches for information using the Internet, aggregates the […]
Expository essay describing the power of bacteria as it relates to the damage it can do to human beings.
Obama’s early life was decidedly chaotic and replete with traumatic and mentally bruising dislocations. Mixed-race marriages were even less common then. His parents went through a divorce when he was an infant (two years old). Pathological narcissism is a reaction to prolonged abuse and trauma in early childhood or early adolescence. The source of the abuse or trauma is immaterial: the perpetrators could be dysfunctional or absent parents, teachers, other adults, or peers.
Like James Frey, Jonathan Franzen had a colorful public controversy with Oprah and her book club. Given the chance to do it over, would the author of The Corrections handled […]
2 min
When an actor with that special something walks in to a room, it changes color, Timmermann changes.
2 min