Slowing growth and limiting development isn’t living in harmony with nature—it is surrendering in a battle.
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You searched for: Jason White
The first tests of optical communications far from Earth will take place aboard the asteroid-bound Psyche spacecraft
The near and far sides of the Moon are so different from each other, and no one is sure why. New lunar samples could confirm a wild theory.
We are traveling in a realm that once exclusively belonged to the gods. Space travel will force humanity to rethink everything.
Passing chunks of ice can fertilize ocean waters and play a role in the planet’s carbon cycle.
Our concept of “failure” is way too narrow.
Psychologists are finding that moral code violations can leave an enduring mark — and may require new types of therapy.
How (not) to end up in the ash heap of history.
At 35 light-years away, it’s also the 2nd coolest, 2nd widest planet ever found. Despite discovering more than 4000 exoplanets, most remain obscure. Although more than 4,000 confirmed exoplanets are known, […]
The British economic anthropologist Jason Hickel proposes “degrowth” in the face of recession.
A new study on mice showed that ginger may counter certain autoimmune disorders such as lupus and antiphospholipid syndrome.
If our nearest star has an Earth-like planet, here’s how we’ll see it. As seen from up close, the signs of not only life, but our intelligent, technologically advanced human civilization […]
An antibody produced by llamas seems particularly effective at neutralizing a key protein of the novel coronavirus.
Country music deserves better cultural ambassadors.
The ‘People Map of the United States’ zooms in on America’s obsession with celebrity
Hint: Both lead to the same metabolic state.
Three great things all align this August, making the Perseids a can’t-miss show. Here’s how to take advantage. When it comes to meteor showers, we have these dazzling pictures in […]
A new study investigates if pot smokers outperformed nonsmokers in creativity.
God, guns, sex, and mutually exclusive concepts of liberty. The Way Brothers’ Netflix docuseries Wild, Wild Country tells a story that’s about as American as it gets.
Free market ideology uses democratic vocabulary as propaganda, obscuring a non-democratic reality.
At least 60 will be running at the federal level, and thousands for state offices.
How we define “inequality” is of utmost importance in trying to implement fair equality.
Spontaneous talk on surprise topics. Humanities scholar Stephen Greenblatt on one particular story that just won’t let us go.
As NFL linemen keep getting bigger, are they also risking their health? Here’s how the offensive lines of the New England Patriots and Philadelphia Eagles stack up.
Get lost in a good book. Time and again, reading has been shown to make us healthier, smarter, and more empathic.
A new report shows a marked uptick in individualism worldwide. The collective voice of societies will be the loser.
Spontaneous, deep talk on surprise topics. Author Jodi Picoult and host Jason Gots talk comic books, social justice, and why white Americans need to take the risk (and the consequences) of talking honestly about race and class privilege.
The Electoral College system is anachronistic, disillusioning, and unpopular. Here’s a better plan.
On this week’s episode of Think Again – a Big Think Podcast, Ethan Hawke and host Jason Gots discuss fatherhood, perpetual warfare, and the daily struggle between light and dark within every person.
Revenge, Hallucinogens, and a spontaneous William Blake Smackdown