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More users of space mean more and better infrastructure to continue to improve the ability of small organizations, students and ordinary people to access the stars. Which means we’d better get used to future rocket launches setting new satellite deployment records and making the skies glitter with ever more little points of light.
It’s March 14th! Happy 3.14159265359 Day! Are you celebrating by baking a “pi”? Mashable marked the day with a round-up of delicious pie recipes. Pi Day began 26 years ago […]
Supermoons are both super and common, but they’re only a tiny slice of our nearest neighbor’s magnificent journey. Image credit: ESA / NASA and the International Space Station. “O, swear […]
Comedian Stephen Colbert called Jeff Koons “The world’s most expensive birthday clown” when the artist famous for his giant balloon animalsappeared on his show in 2012. A year later, one […]
If you’ve ever been unfortunate enough to sit through the Gameshow “Deal or No Deal”, you might have concluded as Charlie Brooker put it, that the entire show is  “actually […]