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The two “go to” occupations for conveying the idea of genius are usually “rocket scientist” and “brain surgeon.” Only the best minds pursue the mysteries of the outer space beyond […]
Don’t read this blog post. Definitely don’t read it to the end. Didn’t I tell you not to read this blog post? You’re still doing it… We can laugh at […]
Every letter holds a special story for those who marvel at the Universe. “When I was having that alphabet soup, I never thought that it would pay off.” –Vanna White […]
Kas Thomas: The evidence is substantial enough that people should start thinking about taking substantial amounts of vitamin D as prophylaxis against cancers of all kinds. 
NASA released this image of Mars up close. Even if you don’t have your 3D glasses handy, it’s still an amazing shot of Mount Sharp on the horizon as well […]
Is it a music video or a catchy way to remember the elements? BoingBoing produced this fun animation featuring They Might Be Giants singing (and teaching us) about science. Why […]
Within one to two hours after consuming a Red Bull, or other energy drinks like it, that statement certainly seems to ring true. Studies have shown that alertness and cognitive functioning receive a temporary jolt. But what about habitual use of energy drinks? Well, that’s less studied, especially among adolescents.