The Big Thinker’s Guide to SOPA & PIPA

One need not read all 145 pages of the SOPA and PIPA bills to understand the debate in Washington DC. Big Think has provided a brief guide to the issue for your convenience.
Legislative Overview & Supporting and Opposing Interest Groups provides a great summary of the legislation, its status in Congress, as well as links to news and blogs. The site also features a comprehensive list of interest groups who have supported and opposed the legislation and more information pertaining to the “money trail.”
Below are five definitive, plain-language guides to the issue, the arguments, and implications of the legislation.
Pictures and opinions from the January, 18 2012 SOPA and PIPA online protest:
These links offer a more in-depth look into the argument and the legal justifications for and against SOPA and PIPA.
The Information Technology & Innovation Foundation