‘Bringing Up Bébé’ Author Pamela Druckerman Answers Your Questions About French Parenthood

Pamela Druckerman, an American journalist and author, learned some unique lessons about child rearing while living in Paris with her husband and three kids. She noticed that French children are well mannered, good sleepers and gourmet eaters. Yet, even with such well-disciplined children, French parents still have time to work, socialize and relax. So what are French parents doing differently? Druckerman shares her experiences in The New York Times best-seller Bringing Up Bébé.
Druckerman will be in our studios on Friday, March 2, 2012 at 3:00 p.m. to talk about the je ne sais quoi of French parents. A segment of the interview will be livestreamed here at BigThink.com, and we’ll be asking her questions that come directly from you, our readers.
Please submit your questions for Pamela Druckerman by writing them in the comments section below, or email them to [email protected].
photo by: Benjamin Barda