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Correlation or causation? Teacher resistance to state technology initiatives

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Terry Moe and John Chubb say…


A. “The average technology score [from Education Week’s Technology Counts 2008] drops as union membership grows. . . . technology seems to be advancing more quickly in states where the unions are weakest” (p. 107). [chart is from p. 108]



B. “The percentage of states with state-level virtual schools drops steadily as the unionization of teachers grows” (p. 118). [chart is from p. 119]



C. “[We] look at the percentage of states . . . that have data systems with the capacity to link students and teachers . . . [and see] the same basic pattern as for virtual schools – which is telling, as virtual schools and teacher identifiers have little to do with one another aside from their impact on union interests” (pp. 138–139). [chart is from p. 139]



[Liberating Learning: Technology, Politics, and the Future of American Education]


Previous posts in this series


  1. n

    Education’s resistance to technology will be overcome

  2. n

  3. n

    It would be impossible for the information revolution to unfold and NOT have transformative implications for how children can be educated

  4. n

  5. n

    Technology will free learning from the dead hand of the past

  6. n

  7. n

    Technological change is destined to be resisted by the teachers unions

  8. n


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