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SSA Week Day 5: My Picks

SSA Week is ongoing, as atheist bloggers come together to raise money for the Secular Student Alliance. At the time this post was published, we’ve come roaring back to blow past the previous total, raising more than $10,000 since yesterday for a total of $73,054!

There was just one blogathon participant today, but I’m not going to pick a whole post because, really, the whole endeavor was just too ambitiously weird for me to sum up: Greg Laden of The X Blog has written an entire novel in a single day, titled “Sungudogo“. It’s cryptozoology in the finest pulp-novel tradition.

On a related topic, check out this Ask Me Anything thread on Reddit for Jesse Galef, the SSA’s communications director. There’s a lot of illuminating discussion about the good work the SSA does.

SSA Week continues! We still have a few days left to reach our goal of $100,000, so if you want to help out and support a great secular organization, click here to contribute. And if you do, leave a comment below or send me an e-mail letting me know you chipped in and for how much. I may just have a special gift for the top contributors…


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