March 29, 2013 Should Government Get Out of the Marriage Business? Peter Lawler Copy a link to the article entitled http://Should%20Government%20Get%20Out%20of%20the%20Marriage%20Business? Share Should Government Get Out of the Marriage Business? on Facebook Share Should Government Get Out of the Marriage Business? on Twitter (X) Share Should Government Get Out of the Marriage Business? on LinkedIn Sign up for the Smarter Faster newsletter A weekly newsletter featuring the biggest ideas from the smartest people Notice: JavaScript is required for this content. Conservative John Fund, writing in the National Review, Sign up for the Smarter Faster newsletter A weekly newsletter featuring the biggest ideas from the smartest people Notice: JavaScript is required for this content.
13.8 At what distance could a “twin Earth” detect our signals? A new SETI study shows how far the field of technosignatures has come.
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Business When research is cheap, conviction becomes priceless Welcome to The Nightcrawler — a weekly newsletter from Eric Markowitz covering tech, innovation, and long-term thinking.
Technology & Innovation What Cell Phones And Fingerprints Have In Common Researchers were able to uniquely identify 95 percent of individuals simply by analyzing four times and locations when cell phones were in use. They recommend their results be used to influence future policies on privacy and technology.