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Making Meals Your Meditation: 3 Steps to Mindful Eating

During our research into the explosion in popularity of Conscious Media, we noticed a broad meta trend developing that circumscribes smaller conscious“food subcultures” – such as raw foodism, veganism or vegetarianism. What we discovered was a growing belief that mealtime needs to be a more sacred time. From Buddhist Monks to bloggers, a consensus is building that eating can be a doorway into a more spiritual life.

In today’s fast-paced society, food can often seem like a hassle. It’s consumed on the go, as quickly as possible and with little thought involved. We’ve seen more and more people slowing down and mixing in mindfulness with their meals to make it a more considered experience.

Here are three keys to keep in mind when developing a more mindful eating practice yourself:

1. Take Your Time: Create space and a dedicated time to eat, even if it is just a 10-minute mini-break. Allow this time to be focused on the eating and nothing else. (No multitasking!) Being mindful will help you enjoy your meal, allow your body to process your food more efficiently and make eating a haven from daily stress.
2. Savor: Be in the moment. Whatever you are eating, whether a gourmet feast or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, truly enjoy the sensory experience. Pay attention to the flavors, the textures and the feelings involved.
3. Be Thankful: Consider where your food has come from. Appreciate the extensive ecosystem that has contributed to the moment you are now enjoying.

What other ways have you seen people bringing back mindfulness into daily life? Leave your observations in the comments below.

To learn more about the explosion of Conscious Media and the mindset of the new Conscious Consumer, please download our white paper or our Deep Dive report on Oneness

If you would like to go deeper and understand how your company can sync with the Conscious Consumer market, please get in touch with us at [email protected].


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