As with any “big idea” progress means a lot of different things to different people and not everyone comes into the discussion with the same priors. Some experts are primarily focused on material progress while others emphasize the importance of moral progress. So to start the discussion, we asked each expert to define the term as they see it from their specific vantage point.
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About the project The goal of driving more progress across the world—scientifically, politically, economically, socially, etc—is one shared by many. And yet, debates about the best way to maximize progress […]
About the project The goal of driving more progress across the world—scientifically, politically, economically, socially, etc—is one shared by many. And yet, debates about the best way to maximize progress […]
About the project The goal of driving more progress across the world—scientifically, politically, economically, socially, etc—is one shared by many. And yet, debates about the best way to maximize progress […]
About the project The goal of driving more progress across the world—scientifically, politically, economically, socially, etc—is one shared by many. And yet, debates about the best way to maximize progress […]
About the project The goal of driving more progress across the world—scientifically, politically, economically, socially, etc—is one shared by many. And yet, debates about the best way to maximize progress […]
We asked our experts where they see the biggest blockers right now for more progress. Essentially, from their various areas of focus, what did they see as the largest impediments to driving progress forward around the world and how they would prioritize the necessary interventions? The answers were appropriately varied from the philosophical to the political to the technological.
About the project The goal of driving more progress across the world—scientifically, politically, economically, socially, etc—is one shared by many. And yet, debates about the best way to maximize progress […]
If our goal is to effect the greatest possible progress, what would it look like to approach this holistically? What might need to dispositionaly in how we approach solving our most important problems—at an individual level, a community level, or at a civilizational or global one? We asked our experts to think big picture about how what new thinking would be required to create a larger pro-progress framework.
One of the fundamental questions for those studying and advocating progress is around understanding what variables can move the needle for the type of progress that you might want to see in the world. It’s a key focus of the “progress studies” discipline and a question that has received increased attention from academics and public intellectuals in recent years.
“History is always written by the winners,” goes the saying. It’s also true that history is continually being made, and the identity of the “winner” continually shifts. In his Big […]
Asia is experiencing a boom in terms of education and business.
8 min
An MIT model predicted when and how human civilization would end. Hint: it’s soon.
Will your grandchildren live in cities on Antarctica?
It often feels like the repercussions of climate change may not apply directly to you. But here’s something that will hit home – a somber prediction for your coffee supply, and all those workers who farm it.
If global temperatures rise by just four degrees celsius, the forecast is cloudy with a chance of obliteration.
6 min
Playing many different characters, Tony and Obie award-winner Sarah Jones responds to surprise “big ideas” in Think Again podcast’s first ever live show at NYC Podfest
Nine wars have been predicted to erupt since the early 1990s, and all have failed to materialize. That’s a result of trade, the interconnectedness of financial markets, and supply chain integration.
3 min
If you’re like most Americans, you probably spent most of the long Fourth of July weekend hanging out at a family BBQ, watching baseball, enjoying the fireworks and… obsessively checking […]
Julian Assange, who has been granted asylum by Ecuador but remains in limbo in the Ecuadorian embassy in London, has been on trial for some time in the court of public […]
Learn how human-technology co-evolution, Technik and technology quotient are among the key skills necessary for success in the Hybrid Age.
Whether the future is a dystopian global class struggle over technology or a Pax Technologica of transparency, access and equity will depend on spreading technology quotient (TQ) above all else.
If ideas are the currency of the future, then books are still the best way to trade these ideas with others. To celebrate the 600th blog post of Endless Innovation, I’ve put together […]
Scientists have hoped that one day people with severe forms of paralysis could use brain-computer interfaces to perform tasks to better their lives. That day has now come.
Investors and policy makers should tap into the economic potential of cities in emerging markets.
More than half the world’s population lives in cities, a percent that is estimated to increase to 70% by 2050. Much of the urban growth will be in the emerging […]
The Obama administration regards Asia as the defining competition of the next century. But instead of looking east, the U. S. really needs to look south–it needs Latin America.
What should be done to Wall Street in the aftermath of the financial crisis? This question has lingered for some time, without much action being taken by Washington, until eventually […]
Presumably, if we better anticipate its timeline, we will carve a path that makes the Singularity era most beneficial to our species.