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You searched for: kottke
The death knell for the banner ad is tolling and few are lamenting its decline.
n nMalcolm Gladwell returns to the pages of The New Yorker with a story about “innovation multiples” — independent discoveries or inventions that occurred at the same time, but in […]
Engineers at Cornell University have developed a form of turbine-free wind power called Vibro-Wind.
I just finished reading Everything Bad Is Good For You . The author, Steven Johnson, makes a quite-convincing case that today’s popular culture and media (video games, television, Internet, movies), […]
For the past year, security researcher Dan Kaminsky has had an interesting secret side project that has nothing to do with his day job: He’s been working on correcting color […]
Dear Reader, I apologize for the length of this article. It’s actually two articles smashed into one. All together this post will take roughly 5 minutes to read. I generally […]
Kottke is a big Errol Morris fan.
1 min
They will, Kottke says, but they’ll just be different.
2 min
“Are you happy?” is a good place to start, reflects Jason Kottke.
1 min
Politics are still shut off from reality, Kottke says.
1 min
Internet advertising presents many opportunities for trial and error, Kottke says.
2 min
Kottke started tinkering with primitive computers when he was still a kid.
1 min