A battle between different kinds of love.
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You searched for: friendship
“The primary way that people make friends is through institutions.”
Does Platonic love actually exist?
Americans without friends have increased 400% in recent years. Here’s why.
8 min
When does “oversharing” become an issue?
It’s time to bring “friendship love” back.
Feeling lonely? So is everybody else. Here’s how to change that, according to three experts.
24 min
Science writer George Musser on the unsung role of friendship in science’s biggest discoveries.
6 min
Since 2012, the amount of time that teenagers spend socializing in person has plummeted. Is it a coincidence that depression is more common?
“Happiness is NOT about feelings.” Harvard happiness expert Arthur Brooks debunks the biggest myths about humanity’s most sought-after state, and explains how to actually get it.
7 min
The lack of friendship is particularly a problem for men. But there are easy ways to make friends.
A poignant, 2,000-year-old burial in northern Italy could be the latest evidence of an ancient friendship.
Evolutionary pressures drove the formation of tribes who encoded their values in myths and symbols. Was this cooperation cursed?
Richard Reeves explains the big problems facing men today — and why no one is talking about them.
1:25:18 min
Oxford professor of ethics, John Tasioulas, thinks we should consider the loss of opportunity for “striving and succeeding” that AI is likely to bring.
To see a true cross-section of American society, head to Applebee’s, Buffalo Wild Wings, IHOP, Chili’s, and Olive Garden.
We don’t understand why loneliness is bad for us if all we can say is that it hurts.
Esperanto was intended to be an easy-to-learn second language that enabled you to speak with anyone on the planet.
When the going gets tough, nothing beats a wide network of tried-and-true connections.
When it comes to vetting people for friendship, body odor seems to be a decisive factor.
People who’ve never been partnered tend to be less extraverted, less conscientious, and more neurotic.
Team storming — as defined by psychologist Bruce Tuckman — can be fractious. Done right, the benefits are immense.
Redemption is the journey towards becoming a better person. It’s the story of human life.
An interview with renowned mythologist Martin Shaw about persona, presence, and how to spend life’s finite time.
Listen, set boundaries, and point them where to go.
Anne Chow, former CEO of AT&T Business, lays out a new approach to inclusive leadership that takes “thinking bigger” to the next level.
Claims of a “loneliness epidemic” aren’t based on robust data. Loneliness might be a problem, but it’s not worse than it was in the past.
He co-created one of TV’s funniest shows. He still felt like a failure in his 30s. This is comedian Neal Brennan’s story about conquering toxic self-talk.
Undeterred by years of failure, Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman proved that mRNA is the future of vaccines.