A new technique for analyzing networks can tell who wields soft power.
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You searched for: Larry K.
The Solar System isn’t a vortex, but rather the sum of all our great cosmic motions. Here’s how we move through space.
We frequently say it’s 2.725 K: from the light left over all the way from the Big Bang. But that’s not all that’s in the Universe.
A new study at Emory Vaccine Center gets into the bone marrow.
The 20th century was marked by waves of pro-democracy revolutions. Now, the future of democracy looks uncertain.
Innovative drugs are sometimes held up due to old-fashioned human biases.
And a combination of all three might take us farther than ever. If you want to see the farthest objects in the Universe, you have to know not only where to […]
We’ve known this virus was coming. We just didn’t do anything about it.
New research suggests anti-vaxxers overestimate all problems associated with mortality.
A clip of this disingenuous documentary is making the rounds.
From the cosmic blast into another being’s mind, to rolling bliss or obedient mind-slavery, fictional drugs have it all.
If all you see is low-energy light in a myriad of directions, you can’t be sure. But this light comes from the Big Bang. There are a lot of things that […]
If you think you have problems today, be glad you’re not moving at the speed of light. Special relativity, even though it’s over 100 years old, is still one of the […]
The top 10 tech companies spend big bucks acquiring innovative startups and their brilliant technologies.
Ever notice how people with conservative sexual attitudes seem to still cheat at the same rate as their more liberal peers? A new study says you’re onto something.
Not everyone is satisfied with the Big Bang. But every alternative is a disastrous failure. It’s treated as though it’s an unassailable scientific truth: 13.8 billion years ago, the Universe […]
It took more than 9 billion years for Earth to form: the only known planet housing life. But it could have happened much, much sooner. The cosmic story that unfolded following […]
Our biases, preferences, and ideas of simplicity and elegance can get in the way. Here’s a scientific way to cut through them all. What are the rules governing reality? If you […]
The Universe may defy our intuition, but that’s what science is for! If you take a look out at the Universe, and in every direction you look, you see objects rushing […]
Many businesses could benefit from applying the principles of design thinking to their work. However, too many businesses focus on the wrong things when they use design thinking, which can […]
Its 18 large, segmented golden mirrors aren’t even the whole story. But how much gold is really in there? “Hey, if our eyes could access the infrared part of the light […]
A “double burst” of star formation in a globular cluster may explain our galaxy’s mysterious center. “It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.” –J.K. Rowling […]
A live-blog event happened a week ago, but you can catch the entire thing anew here, right now! “We have never observed infinity in nature. Whenever you have infinities in […]
46 billion light years in all directions in just 13.8 billion years? Here’s how it’s done! “They say the universe is expanding. That should help with the traffic.” –Steven Wright There are […]
If we look to the distant future, with unlimited technology, how far could we reach? “Even if I stumble on to the absolute truth of any aspect of the universe, I […]
How, with a sunny solstice, you can figure out how much our planet is tilted! “Soon the earth will tilt on its axis and begin to dance to the reggae […]
Mama, Don’t Let Your Babies Grow Up To Deny Evolution If adults want to deny evolution, sure. That’s fine. Whatever. But those adults better not make their kids follow in […]
And if so, how does Einstein’s relativity — both special and general — cope? “If everything seems under control, you’re not going fast enough.” -Mario Andretti The end of the week means another dip […]
As dark energy takes over and distant galaxies accelerate, what are we losing, and what does that mean? “What is that feeling when you’re driving away from people and they […]
An ancient relic from the young Universe is covered in surprising riches near the galactic center. Image credit: Paul Chasse (astronewb11) of flickr, via https://www.flickr.com/photos/astronewb2011/7247070648/. “Ancients knew that you need […]