The state joins Washington, D.C. in eliminating a predatory system that preys upon low-income people and favors the wealthy.
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You searched for: Bill Sullivan
Some experts take issue with Elon Musk’s frightening warning about AI taking over.
It’s time to address the gorilla in the room, and the high percentage of his income he’s spending to rent it.
If all goes well it could become the biggest chain in America to switch to a no-tipping policy.
I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about both the means and consequences of demonization. And like most Americans of my generation I generally think it’s a terrible thing. To […]
Steven Mazie has a post on the front page today about Ben Bernanke’s Princeton commencement speech this year, and his call to the graduating class to “share their luck with […]
Well, if all you had to go by is tonight’s debate, you’d have to say yes. Romney’s presentations were clearer, tighter, more incisive, more eloquent, more factually detailed, and more […]
A lot has been and will be written about Salman Khan. Though he already arrived in the spotlight of mainstream media, he is clearly just at the beginning of his […]
On Thursday, President Obama addressed a joint session of Congress, proposing a new $450 billion bill designed to create jobs. With unemployment still over 9%, Obama’s reelection chances may hinge […]
Since its peak in 2007, the U.S. economy has lost almost 7 million jobs. Although the economy has begun to recover, jobs have been slow to return. Recent job growth […]
The other day, the commercial where a cartoon turtle wondered how many licks it took to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop crossed my mind. Maybe this popped […]
I’m excited about my new guest blog series. I asked seven education bloggers to respond to this question: What do teachers need from administrators? Next week we’ll see what they have […]
What happens when you ask 7 amazing, thoughtful educators to guest blog on a topic? Unsurprisingly, you get 7 amazing, thoughtful posts and a phenomenal week of conversing, thinking, and learning! Here […]
What do you call it when corporations get together with politicians to work out the details of legislation? Normally, of course, it’s called “lobbying” and is subject to federal regulations […]
Happy holidays! Every year as I range across the web in search of news and ideas I come across a few articles that stand out as exceptionally worth reading. Today […]
“Don’t ask, don’t tell” may come up for a vote after all. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) wants to bring the 2011 defense authorization bill, which contains a provision […]
How do you activate an otherwise disinterested Republican base on the issue of global warming? As we argued in our Policy Forum article at Science, two possible frames are to […]
President Obama has delayed his visit to Asia to push for a vote on healthcare reform here at home before the Congress takes its Easter recess at the end of the month.
After blogger Andrew Sullivan announced last week that he was “leaving the right,” I argued that there is no longer much room on the political right for conservatives in the […]