At Monday’s Personal Democracy Forum in Manhattan, I asked David Corn, chief of the Washington Bureau for Mother Jones and a blogger for CQ Politics, for his opinion on a […]
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You searched for: Big Think
Nearly every new technology is hailed (at least by its creators) as one that will “revolutionize” this or that aspect of our lives. Upon closer examination, however, the hype is […]
The definition of “succeeding” in a recession can mean something quite different for a global manufacturer struggling to remain in business, than it does for a younger and smaller firm […]
Ask around, and you may hear people describe me as an early adopter of new technology. I’ve never thought of myself as one, though. For every bandwagon I’ve hopped onto […]
Campaigning has officially stopped one day before Iran’s presidential election. Voters will go to the polls tomorrow to choose from four official candidates who are (deep breath)… Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, the […]
10 Billion Beats is a non-commercial Global Intention Event that will use drumming to send a wave of positive intention around the world. Starting in Central Kansas, it will follow the sun through the time zones at 7:00 PM on Sept. 18, 2009. (Sept. 19 as it crosses the dateline)
an article I posted in businessweek about how the notion of the expansive corporation is receding and instead we are seeing the rise of free agents connecting around opportunities. It is in this new dynamic that I find a strong potential for a new economic revival.
Thomas Cooley writes about finding success during a downturn, and there couldn’t be a better time to refer to insider knowledge like his than right now. Consider the following statement […]
As a CTO/CIO, have you ever had this reaction? “Stupid users. If only they would ‘get it’ already!” Bad news: it’s never going to happen. Users will always push back […]
At one point during Mahalo’s presentation at an NY Tech MeetUp last week, I couldn’t help but wonder how Wikipedia would fare if it weren’t a non-profit organization that relied […]
It’s an old cliché but it fits well all too often, “embrace change.” We’ve all heard this before at the corporate sales conference, just as the HR folks start warming up their pink slip pads for that strategically placed layoff.
One would think humans would have a notion of preservation lofty enough not to get too bogged down in the semantics of the climate debate, but such is not the […]
Though it’s been year of scandal for two of the largest interactive sites on the web, the loose nature of open-source content has emerged unscathed. First came the Craiglist sex […]
Should NCAA academic eligibility determine whether an athlete qualifies to play for a team in the only amateur sport program that develops professional basketball and football players?
As consumers migrate from traditional media, marketers are desperately seeking new ways to sell their products online. While Google’s advertising services have effectively delivered ads to audiences via searches, social […]
Recently, David Brooks highlighted research on the characteristics and abilities of CEO’s – noting that psychological insight and a feel for human relationships are the most important talents in a […]
Few developed world economies were hit as hard in the economic crisis as wee Iceland’s. But could adopting the euro ward off future blows to the country’s financial system? Gallup […]
The popular notion that food trends improve over time might be little more than a foodie’s conceit. Certainly, we have cast aside the Twinkies for arugula and the lard for […]
For a president elected on his promise of pulling the U.S. out of Iraq in a jiffy and treating the world at large with a softer hand, observers say Obama […]
“The grand edifice of brand-name consumerism rests on the narcissistic fantasy that everyone else cares about what we buy.” So writes John Tierney in this morning’s Times. If this sounds […]
With traditional manufacturing jobs evaporating, green is becoming the color du jour around the necks of American workers. Every candidate promised the creation of green collar jobs in last year’s […]
You may have heard about Wolfram Alpha, tech savant Stephen Wolfram’s new query-answering search engine. And if you follow gadget and tech reviews, you’ve probably read about what the engine […]
With the country mired in a recession, countless people are looking for a new boomtown. New data indicates one place that, if it isn’t recession-proof, is at least recession-resistant. That […]
The business world has been blamed for just about everything from the dissolution of native cultures to the exploitation of natural resources. But Whole Foods CEO John Mackey and academic […]
There was a brief moment when it seemed like our perilous red state-blue state divide was closing. It was back when all those gun owners crossed the aisle to vote […]
Web 2.0 has hundreds of sites to help artists collaborate. Sites like Indaba and WeBooks host communities where artists can connect and work on creating music or writing the next […]
Etched deep into the DNA of the Anglo-Saxon diaspora is a boundless sense of economic entitlement. Such has consistently been the world’s criticism of the west for months now. Some […]
By outlining his near and long-term legislative priorities in a publication read by graying intellectuals and Left Bank expatriates, Arlen Specter may have been trying to tell us something. His […]