According to the Voyager Interstellar Mission Web site, on June 28th of this year, Voyager 2 completed 12,000 days of continuous operation since its launch on August 20th, 1977. Each […]
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You searched for: Telescope
When we look for signals from alien life in outer space, we see nothing and all seems to be quiet. The laws of probability tell us that the Universe should […]
The pessimist mourns the glass’s half-emptiness, the optimist rejoices that it’s semi-full and the engineer just thinks the glass is twice the size it should be. What would a space […]
Jill Tarter, Director of the Center for SETI Research, is searching for signs of extraterrestrial life. But what kinds of signals is she hoping to find? Tarter explains that her […]
When Jill Tarter was growing up, she remembers walking along the beach with her father, gazing up at the night sky. Well before she would become a leader in the […]
Up until just a few hundred years ago most people thought that the Universe was a stable, static place that had been here forever and would continue forever. Today we […]
IMAX Hubble 3D, hitting the theaters on March 19, features the most famous space telescope of all, the Hubble, launched in April 1990. Soaring above the earth’s atmosphere, it gives […]
The distances separating the stars are so vast that it would take a very advanced civilization—perhaps thousands or even millions of years more advanced than ours—to bridge those distances. In […]
What’s floating around out there in the cosmological zoo? The Harvard astronomer describes the major objects visible via telescope and the naked eye.
6 min
Tuesday marks the 30th anniversary of the historic eruption of Mount St. Helens in Washington – and Eruptions readers share their memories on the blast that captivated the world.
NASA scientists have taken extraordinary photographs of former planet Pluto thanks to the technology of the Hubble Space Telescope, which has captured the spectacular gold-colored sphere.
The Hubble space telescope has caught Saturn’s twin auroras on camera during a rare equinox which reveals both polls of the planet lit up in a spectacular display.
NASA’s new planet-hunting telescope has found two mystery objects that are “too hot to be plants and too small to be stars” – neither of which fit any definition of known astro objects.
The Hubble Telescope has taken the earliest snapshots of galaxies in the universe’s infancy, about 600 million years after the Big Bang.
The Hubble Space Telescope has captured new images of a nebula in our galactic neighborhood just in time for the holidays.
The Hubble Space Telescope has captured festive-looking images of the cosmos (resembling a starry Christmas wreath) just in time for the holidays.
Planet Earth could soon be wiped out by an explosion of a star more than 3,000 light years away according to research by American scientists.
How much real science is there in James Cameron’s science fiction movie “Avatar”? Quite a bit, says MSNBC’s Charles Choi.
The Hubble Space Telescope has taken the deepest near-infrared image of the universe in history, featuring galaxies that formed 600m years after the Big Bang, according to NASA.
A gigantic explosion on the edge of the universe has given scientists an insight into the “cosmic dark ages” of 13.7bn years ago.
Structural changes are happening to companies everywhere and leaders must learn to examine businesses with both a microscope and a telescope, says the Chief Marketing and Knowledge Officer for Booz […]
4 min
Human hearing picks up only a limited range of frequencies, and that range diminishes as we age and our ears deteriorate—just think of the high-frequency cellphone rings that high school […]
The space shuttle program, set for retirement next year, appears to be limping to its death. First, the shuttle Discovery’s mission to the International Space Station was delayed this week—again. […]
Heidi Hammel’s team of scientists put the Hubble Space Telescope “back on the map” when they captured the dramatic collision of Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9 with Jupiter. Hubble performed “beautifully, flawlessly, […]
4 min