A new paper estimates the low and high end of total electricity consumption by the Bitcoin network, but not all agree with the methodology.
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You searched for: Big Think
Elon Musk revealed some new details about the early stages of the Boring Company’srnplans to transform the mass-transit system in Los Angeles.
When it comes to creating minds, cognitive scientist Joscha Bach explains where we are with artificial intelligence, and where we need to be.
3 min
Cephalopods like the octopus could have originated from outside of our solar system, possibly coming to Earth as hitchhikers frozen inside comets and meteors.
Specific self-driving car systems are now being developed for urban and rural settings.
In a sense, a proton acts very much like a star.
Why do we work for five days and then take two days off? The answer might surprise you.
If you go all the way back to where neutral atoms first formed, you can see the cosmic microwave background. Buried in the details is the Universe’s first evidence for […]
Think getting along with people that are nothing like you is hard? Here’s how astronauts do it, 254 miles above Earth on the ISS.
4 min
A set of new studies that used large-scale computer simulations found that life might be more common throughout other universes than previously thought.
From what we know about the young prince and actress, how does the future look for their relationship based on psychological studies of successful marriages?
Here’s why the porn industry leads the way in developing virtual reality.
Why are Elon Musk and Mark Zuckerberg sparring about the threat of A.I. when they’re both right? Of course, one is more right than the other, says Michio Kaku.
4 min
‘Enter the room’ is a rare case of an augmented reality app that could genuinely make the world a better place. Read our review here.
The Matthew effect or Price’s law shows us how inequality can be a fact of nature. What does this mean for our debate on inequality in our society?
America includes people of all different races, genders, sexual orientations, ages, ethnicities, political affiliations, and faiths. As the melting pot, the United States provides the opportunity for “life, liberty, and […]
In a commencement speech at Duke University, Apple CEO Tim Cook praised the “fearlessness” of the #MeToo movement and students in Parkland, Florida.
Is Google’s moral compass broken?
For many years the concept of virtual worlds and far flung digital realities was the stuff of speculative fiction and philosophy. But it may soon take over the world.
Simple 1:2 breathing is where it’s at, according to a major university study.
Researchers say they’ll someday be able to recreate experiences, perceptions, and sensations with a device the size of a backpack.
You’ve heard of the big Greek philosophers. Now, read about the ones who inspired them.
For urban exploration with an ironic twist, go ‘bag’ all 32 London Borough Tops
A new study highlights the role Facebook algorithms unwittingly played in ISIS recruitment and points to continuing problems.
New research finds evidence that the gravitational pull of Jupiter and Venus has been warping our orbit every 405,000 years, at least as far back as 215 million years ago.
We’re taught that the most massive stars in the Universe all die in supernovae. We were taught wrong. Create a star that’s massive enough, and it won’t go out with a […]
North Korea has nothing to lose in face-to-face diplomatic talks. Can the same be said of the U.S.?
4 min
An analysis of 32 randomized control studies showed that pasta, as part of a low-glycemic diet, didn’t contribute to weight gain in participants.
Humanity has mapped the Milky Way better than ever with ESA’s Gaia. But 1.7 billion stars later, there are still no Dyson spheres. Perhaps the greatest ‘holy grail’ in all of […]
Boaty McBoatface could have been a billion-dollar brand that re-invigorated science education, but now its epic failure is a lesson for the rest of us.
9 min