How designers are revolutionizing product packaging, one of consumerism’s most toxic and wasteful byproducts, by using smart engineering and innovative materials to dramatically lighten its carbon footprint.
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You searched for: energy
Some of the Sky Tran’s key technologies can be applied to wind energy.
3 min
You’ve probably been hearing a lot about the Large Hadron Collider in the news lately. After 16 years the LHC seems to be in the headlines each week, breaking speed, […]
n n (click on the image for a larger version) n ‘Everybody Is Against Everybody – Somebody Has To Be For Them’: the message behind this Amnesty International poster is […]
What kinds of incentives are necessary to get people to lead more environmentally responsible lives? Ernst Weizsäcker, co-chair of the U.N. International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management, says that we […]
Faced with climate change, some birds are changing their migration schedules and staying closer to home — and in the future they might stop migrating altogether.
Is there anything we can do about the global increase in tropical storms? Ernst Weizsäcker, co-chair of the U.N.’s International Panel for Sustainable Resource Management, thinks Hurricane Katrina may have […]
You might have heard me speak about the equation that eluded Einstein for the last 30 years of his life: the one-inch equation that will in a sense summarize everything we […]
Scientists have figured out a new technique for revealing images of hidden objects which could one day allow doctors to see more precisely through the human body without surgery.
The fight over Cape Wind – a $1 billion, 24-square-mile offshore wind farm proposed for Nantucket Sound – has dragged on so long (9 years) that books have been written […]
Not that you spend too much time wondering what life would be like if you were a light bulb…but, in case you’re curious, your body’s existence is equivalent to a […]
I would put Albert Einstein among the 20 top people who have ever lived, in terms of their impact on our way of life. Kings, queens, and emperors have come […]
A select group of thought leaders from around the world has come together for a live-streamed discussion surrounding “Our Energy Future.” Tune in to watch the exclusive conversation NOW on!After the […]
Every baby born today in the Western world has a life expectancy of about 100 years, which means it will be alive in 2110. It’s nearly impossible to forecast in […]
The world’s biggest physics experiment will suffer another setback in two years time when it is expected to be shut down for repairs, pushing full operating capacity back another year.
It is likely that, within our lifetime, we will see a big earthquake ravage a populated area, such as northern Los Angeles, San Francisco, Tokyo, or Istanbul, to name a […]
The rough beauty of the American West seems as far as you can get from the polished corridors of power in Washington DC.
We have to punish the extensive use of fossil fuels and provide incentives for the clean energy technologies.
4 min
The International Energy Agency chief economist’s biggest fear: that sharing the world’s primary commodities could spark another global war.
4 min
Question: would you rather answer to a boss who has his own interests at heart (not yours), or to no boss at all? Would you rather the US switched from […]
March has its share of strange and obscure holidays. The first of the month is National Pig Day, the fifth is Multiple Personality Day (a chance for anyone to get […]
Brace yourself for some depressing climate change news. Even if we cut rncarbon emissions dramatically, we won’t really see the impact by the rnyear 2050, says Bjørn Lomborg,rn Director of the Copenhagen Consensus Center. So if the outlook is so rnbleak, what should we do in the meantime? Where should we direct our rnenergies? Lomborg has some ideas.
“Every generation is born to this same anatomical legacy; how they then fashion it with clothing is, in miniature, the story of culture,” argues Susan J. Vincent in her sweeping […]
This week’s installment of “The Future in Motion” features a clip from an interview with Dr. Nate Lewis, a chemistry professor at CalTech. He and his team are busy developing […]
President Obama announced Wednesday that he will open up huge new coastal areas to offshore drilling. The plan would make new areas off the coasts of Virginia and Alaska and […]
A select group of thought leaders from around the world will come together tomorrow, Friday March 26th, for a live-streamed discussion surrounding “Our Energy Future,” at 1:30 PM EST. You can […]
It is a sad state of affairs when I have to read down the blogroll on my personal blog to see any recent mention of the flood that just devastated […]
Why does sustainable transit seem like such a far-off dream? Ostensibly obstructed by years of costly R&D, unprecedented political and technological breakthrough, and often some sort of sci-fi revolution, the […]
There is a phenomenon going on out here in the blogosphere called “good information dissemination”, a trait that often distinguishes us lower paid or usually unpaid bloggers from the members […]
While he’s kept his profile remarkably low since leaving office, President George W. Bush has been thrust back into the spotlight of late, both with and without his consent. It […]