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It’s just a few weeks until the U.S. presidential election, and while nothing is set in stone, Mitt Romney’s hopes are looking increasingly dim. Despite the depressed economy, which would […]
The WIN-Gallup International network of polling firms has released a new poll titled Global Index of Religion and Atheism 2012, and there’s a lot of good news in it for […]
The big news this week, as well it should be, was a new survey from Pew showing that America’s religious “nones” continue their demographic ascent: The number of Americans who […]
I’m home again, safe and sound. As I mentioned, this weekend I was in Columbus, Ohio at the 2012 Secular Student Alliance Leadership Conference, having a blast with some of […]
I’ve written in the past about the Secret, more properly called the Law of Attraction, the perenially popular New Age idea which says that merely thinking about something draws it […]
I’m surprised to still be writing about blasphemy laws, but it seems the idea just won’t die. At the United Nations this week, the elected leaders of newly democratic Egypt […]
There’s a lot of news this week: • Two examples of humanism in action: Charles Feeney, a billionaire philanthropist, plans to give away all his remaining money within a few […]