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Words of Wisdom

Marguerite Yourcenar: All Forms of Wisdom Are Essential in the World

"There is more than one kind of wisdom, and all are essential in the world; it is not bad that they should alternate."

Marguerite Yourcenar (1903-1987) was a Belgian-born French novelist who was the first woman elected to the Académie française, in 1980. Yourcenar was one of her era’s most respected French-language writers. Among her most famous works are the novelsMémoires d’Hadrienand L’Œuvre au noir.

“There is more than one kind of wisdom, and all are essential in the world; it is not bad that they should alternate.”


“Il y a plus d’une sagesse, et toutes sont nécessaires au monde; il n’est pas mauvais qu’elles alternent.” [Wikiquote]


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