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Who's in the Video
Bill Richardson is the Governor of New Mexico and former candidate for the 2008 Democratic nomination. Of Hispanic descent, Richardson was born in Pasadena, California, but spent most of his[…]

The qualifications of a bicultural background.

Question: Who are you?

Bill Richardson: Bill Richardson. Governor of the state of New Mexico. I come from a bicultural background. I was born in California but raised in Mexico City. A mother that would only speak Spanish to me; a father who wouldn’t speak to me. No (Chuckles) . . . who would speak English to me. Totally bilingual, bicultural background. I think it’s shaped me because it’s allowed me to respect other cultures, other points of view. I pride myself as a negotiator, a diplomat, bringing people together, a healer. And that bilingual background – a mother and a grandmother that gave me a sense of social justice, of who I am, of trying to help others – gave me, I believe, the impetus to eventually run for public office; to be a diplomat; to be an administrator; and now to run for President as somebody that, more than anything, is qualified to bring people together.

Recorded on: 11/20/07


