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Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist David S. Broder is best known for the twice-weekly political column he writes for the Washington Post, where he has been on staff since 1966. Before joining[…]

Description: Show up every day, Broder says.

Transcript: Well the best advice is to show up every day. I mean there’s nothing that substitutes for being on the scene when people are making the decisions and taking the actions that you’re writing about. And the more that you are present, the more willing people are to say, “Well perhaps this reporter really wants to understand. We’ll help him figure out what’s going on.”

Recorded on: 9/13/07

Description: Show up every day, Broder says.

Transcript: Well the best advice is to show up every day. I mean there’s nothing that substitutes for being on the scene when people are making the decisions and taking the actions that you’re writing about. And the more that you are present, the more willing people are to say, “Well perhaps this reporter really wants to understand. We’ll help him figure out what’s going on.”

Recorded on: 9/13/07
