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Guest Thinkers

Don’t teach your kids this stuff. Please?

dear parent



  board member

don’t teach your kids to read

  for the Web

  to scan




don’t teach your kids to write


pen and paper aren’t going anywhere

since when do kids need an audience?

no need to hyperlink

  make videos



no connecting, now

no social networking

  or online chat

  or comments

  or PLNs

blogs and twitter?

  how self-absorbed

  what a bunch of crap

and definitely, absolutely, resolutely, no cell phones

block it all

lock it down

keep it out

it’s evil, you know

  there’s bad stuff out there

    gotta keep your children safe

don’t you know collaboration is just another word for cheating?

don’t you know how much junk is out there?

haven’t you ever heard of sexting?

  of cyberbullying?

a computer 24-7? no thanks

  I don’t want them





you know they’re just going to look at porn

  and hook up with predators

we can’t trust them

don’t do any of it, please


’cause I’m doing all of it with my kids

can’t wait to see who has a leg up in a decade or two

can you?


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