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Guest Thinkers

Recommended Blogs on Climate Change and Energy Policy

Last week, I introduced a course I am teaching this semester on “Science, Environment, and the Media,” and asked students as well as readers to describe in the comment sections the information sources that they use to track science and environmental debates. 

As you can see from the comments, several of the students are strong consumers of news in this area. Many work internships at NGOS or in government, and engage with a range of sources across their course work in communication, public affairs,and international relations.  For example, one student, in reflecting on her information sources wrote:

I subscribe to a series of ocean and environment related listserves, including E&E, Earthwire, Marine Science Review, and the DC Marine Community, as well as regularly review aggregate media sites including Treehugger, National Geographic, BBC, Discovery, Science Daily, Nature Conservancy, Yale 360, etc. However, the resources often segregate the articles into their respective categories (e.g. science or policy).

As part of the course, students have divided up into collaborative teams to analyze and evaluate a specific policy debate, describing through a series of in-depth blog posts, video interviews, and eventually a final report, the communication dynamics of the issue. 

Several teams are focusing on dimensions of the climate change and energy debates.  As a resource, I put together a recommended list of blogs and news sources to follow and use.  In assembling this list, I have emphasized expert authoritative sources that tend towards analysis rather than commentary.  What other sources would readers suggest?

News Organizations, Magazines, and Digital News Communities

Dot Earth.  Andrew Revkin, New York

Green Inc.  New York

Post Carbon.  The Washington

Yale Environment 360.  Opinion, Analysis, Reporting, & Debate

Environment blog.  The Guardian, UK

Earth Watch.  Richard Black, BBC, UK

Energy & Environment. The Politico.

E2 Wire.  The Hill newspaper.

Energy & Environment.  The National Journal.

Climate Central.  Sound Science & Vibrant Media.  A Beacon in the Smog

Cross-Check.  John Horgan, Scientific

Science Insider.  Science magazine

Environmental Organizations, Think Tanks, Academic Experts

Mike Hulme. East Anglia University, UK

The Switchboard. Natural Resources Defense Council.

State of the Planet.  Earth Institute, Columbia University.

The City Fix & Next Billion.  World Resources Institute.

The Breakthrough Blog.  The Breakthrough Institute.

Momentum.  Institute on the Environment, University of Minnesota.

An Economic View of the Environment.  Robert Stavins, Kennedy School, Harvard University.

EDF Blogs.  The Environmental Defense Fund.

Global Change: Intersection of Nature and Culture. Phil Camill, Bowdoin University.

Climate Compass.  The Pew Center for Global Climate Change.

Roger Pielke Jr.’s Blog.  University of Colorado.

The Climate Post.  The Nicholas Institute, Duke University.

Energy, Security, and Climate.  Michael Levi, Council on Foreign Relations.

Science Journalism

The Observatory.  The Columbia Journalism Review.

The Yale Forum on Media & Climate Change.

The MIT Knight Science Journalism Tracker.

CEJ Journal.  Tom Yulsman, University of Colorado.

Public Opinion Resources

Center for Climate Change Communication.  Edward Maibach.

Yale Project for Climate Change Communication.  Anthony Leiserowitz.

Woods Institute, Stanford.  Jon Krosnick.

The Numbers.  Gary Langer,  ABC News Polling Unit.

Polling Matters.  Frank Newport.  Gallup.

See also:

Course on Science, Environment, and the Media


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